Wednesday, 24 September 2008


No posts for ages, then I come back really, really, really angry. Oh, yes - and a few more reallys for good measure.

You see someone has raised all the hackles today, and whilst this is not the place to do our dirty laundry, the repercussions need some explaining.

So, basically, because of numerous false accusations, lies, rudeness to our staff, and not being provided with the right information (or any pertinent information for that matter until it was too late) about a local beer competition, we are about to stick two fingers up to supplying future CAMRA beer festivals with our beer. And this is based on our ignoring little snippets of info we hear in the trade that could make us really paranoid if we thought they were true.

Of course all this is a shame for so many reasons (not least of all the majority of hard working volunteers that freely give up their spare time to earn CAMRA more money), but I am sure we will live. There are far bigger concerns in the world of pubs and brewing than us, and if anyone refuses to go to a festival because our beer won't be there then quite frankly they are daft and we want nothing to do with them either. But at least now they'll know why. Well, that and the fact that we aren't able to get beer to 90% of CAMRA festivals anyway... We know this will make no difference to the success of our local festivals, but from our point of view enough is enough. We were happy not to be in the competition (it's not after all the end of the world) or even at the festival, but what has gone on beyond this is too much.

And no more will we say on the matter.

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